Sunday - November 15th arrived in all its blustery force.
High winds!
Stormy skies!
Gusts over 100 km an hour!
And so did my mom - arrive - in our home that day!
My brother and his wife arrived with a truck load of her things around noontime. A few men from our church came over to help unload the bed, the chair and countless boxes of clothing, books and cards!
Two hours later, the van carrying mom arrived with my sisters and brother-in-law.
What a huge trip from eastern Ontario for our 100 year-old mother. She was a lot confused - tired - and a little put out. The winds from Lake Huron whipped across the road and blew her hair askew and the rain slapped at her face. We covered her as best we could and after a time managed to get her in the wheel chair - out of the van - up the front steps - and into the house! Mom didn’t know where she was - what had happened to her - that she had travelled 500 kms or so - but she did know us.
This week - the hymn - Day by Day - has resonated through my mind constantly.
Day by day and with each passing moment - Strength I find to meet my trials here.
Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment - I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.
Monday we found out that we would not receive any Home Care from the network that helps seniors. (I’ve no cause for worry or for fear). On Tuesday morning I began phoning private agencies to see about help for mom and to give Harv and I respite. One company said they had to shut down because of COVID and at another I left a message and still another offered no help.
A verse I cherish and have prayed many times is - “when any of you lack wisdom - ask of Me (God)! And so I asked! “Show me God - which way to turn!” The answer came quite quickly. ASK YOUR PICKLE BALL FRIENDS! I did and within minutes one friend had given me a name of a retired nurse who was willing to help us and the next day, a second friend gave me the name of another retired nurse who was also willing to help us. I met with both of these precious women - angels really - and they will begin tomorrow.
He whose heart is kind beyond all measure - Gives unto each day what He deems best.
Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure - Mingling toil with peace and rest.
Mom’s doctor is in Cornwall and I was unsure how to proceed with that part of the plan and so once again I phoned a young woman who is a Nurse Practitioner and providentially she was having a meeting with some of her colleagues that evening. The meeting ended up not happening but she made some phone calls, called me back with vital information that will help with mom’s ongoing care.
The Village continues to care.
My sister-in-law messaged me this morning with a sad story that was on the news last evening. “A 90 year old lady in Toronto was living in a Retirement Residence there. Before Covid she was a vibrant - social woman - out every day - shopping and lunching with friends - going to the library - all that stopped when the lockdowns began last March. The woman started to decline, spent her days on her bed, lost interest in life because her social connections were gone. Late summer when more lockdowns were forecast, she applied to her doctor for assisted dying. At first she was refused but as she continued to decline, her doctor agreed and she passed away.” This is heart breaking. We are so thankful that our mom is no longer in lockdown where none of her 9 kids, 27 grandkids, 72 great grandkids and 8 great great grandkids have any access to her.
Mom is settling in. She knows where her room is - a beautiful room that overlooks Lake Huron. She knows where her bathroom is - right across the hall! She knows Harv and I.
Harv put up 4 pictures right by her bed that are familiar to her - a family picture taken in 1960 - a picture of our dad - Mom’s beloved husband “Stan the man” - and their wedding picture - taken August 27, 1938.
Mom’s right leg is quite weak. A month or so ago on my sister’s first visit into mom’s room, she discovered a bruise on mom’s leg that went from her knee to her ankle. We have no idea what happened as Mom can’t remember. It’s going to take a long time to heal.
With that I sing the second verse of the hymn-
Every day the Lord Himself is near me - with a special mercy for each hour.
All my cares He fain would bear and cheer me - He whose name is Counselor and Pow’r.
The protection of His child and treasure - Is a charge that on Himself He laid.
“As thy days thy strength shall be in measure” - this the pledge to me He made.
I pray for strength for mom every time she has to make the 15 steps to use the washroom.
Team Alice has a great Village -
my siblings
my church
my pickle ball friends
our care givers
the nurse practitioner
my friends who text daily
my kids and grandkids who phone and FaceTime
The last verse of the hymn goes like this -
Help me then in ev’ry tribulation - so to trust Thy promises, O Lord
That I lose not faith’s sweet consolation - offered me within Thy holy Word.
Help me Lord, when toil and trouble meeting - e’re to take, as from a father’s hand -
One by one, the days, the moment’s fleeting - ‘Til I reach the Promised Land.
Our village is a good one and each night as I close my eyes, I thank God for each one of them.
Mom with her grandson, Pete and her great granddaughter, Adele.